About Our Curriculum

ECA Pre-School starts from 2 years old (Teddies Group) going up to Grade R which is the School Readiness programme.

The curriculum from Grades 1 to 7 is an individualised, mastery based, character developing academic programme.

Biblical values are instilled into the children from Pre-School all the way to Grade 12. The curriculum teaches life skills and the understanding of their unique purpose and individual potential.

From grades 8 – 12, ECA embraces an innovative online blended learning approach which is used to appeal to different learning styles that reinforces learning.

At ECA, it is our express purpose to ensure that your child is receiving the best quality education that we can offer in comfortable, air-conditioned Learning Centres.


Accelerated Christian Education Curriculum

Grades 1 - 7

Accelerated Christian Education is an innovative programme based on academic excellence.

From the onset, namely Grade 1, children work from an individualised curriculum, have individual attention and are taught to set goals from the third term of their first schooling year.

Integrated throughout the school programme is respect for authority, respect for the property of others and personal responsibility.

1. Integration of Biblical Principles

ACE’s curriculum, with its clearly identifiable Biblical goals, is its major strength.

2. Godly Character Training

On-going character training in the ACE programme is extended to the students focussing their attention on responsibility, character and self-discipline.

3. Mastery-Based Learning

Each student is required to master each fundamental tool before proceeding to new material. Each student is met at their own individual performance level, and then advanced through the curriculum at their optimum rate of achievement.

4. Built-in reinforcement system of learning

The core curriculum is replete with full-colour drawings, photographs and illustrations that add interest and reinforce the text. Maps, charts and time‑lines are included to facilitate mastery learning. These visuals are carefully selected to provide spatial and chronological orientation for students.

5. Individualised Learning

Perhaps the greatest academic feature of our curriculum is that students may progress through the PACEs (text books) at their own rate. Because the curriculum is truly individualised, students learn the best way – individually. They learn essential academics without being pressurised to keep up with a group.

6. Development of Critical Thinking Skills

The curriculum is designed to progress students through all six phases in the development of critical thinking skills: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

7. Socialisation

There is always time for socialisation during the school day through sports and other activities providing much interaction with other schools.

We are committed to imparting these values and many more character traits into your child.


Grades 8 - 12

  1. The IEB is an internationally benchmarked qualification and is equivalent to Cambridge AS level.
  2. The IEB is at the forefront of innovations in terms of improvement of examination systems and processes.
  3. The IEB ensures that it keeps abreast with developments in assessment, by actively participating in regional and international assessment associations.
  4. The qualifications assessed by the IEB enjoy international recognition.
  5. The IEB, through their assessment, is motivated to develop learners who are:
    • Critical thinkers
    • Ethical reasoners
    • Problem solvers
    • Creative and reflective thinkers
    • Long-life learners
    • Respectful of diversity, particularly in South African context

IEB Subjects Offered

  • English,
  • Afrikaans FAL
  • Maths
  • Maths Literature
  • Life Orientation
  • Physical Science
  • Life Science
  • Geography
  • History
  • Accounting
  • Engineering Graphic & Design (EGD)
  • Computer Application Technology
  • Business Studies and
  • Zulu FAL

About IEB

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

What is the IEB and where is it recognised?

For all your questions on the IEB and its international recognition, please click on the links:

Elevate Christian Academy now offers the IEB (NSC) matric qualification through an innovative, blended learning approach using AEE Online.

This online school allows the child to still be a part of the ECA family with all the benefits of social interactivity, sport activities as well as other extra mural activities that ECA offers.


Our vision is to educate our students and to ground  them in God’s Word. We challenge them to achieve academic excellence as they prepare to use their gifts and abilities effectively to make a difference in their generation.

Mission Statement

Elevate Christian Academy is a loving community that spiritually and academically equips, challenges and inspires students with Godly wisdom, knowledge, life-skills and character.

The History of Elevate Christian Academy

The heart and vision of Midlands Christian Centre is creating a loving and caring atmosphere where your child will feel loved and accepted. This is evident at ECA when one observes how many of the older students took care of the younger ones in a true family atmosphere.

In 1998, God stirred a desire in the founding pastors’ hearts to establish a school in Estcourt which would encompass a strong Christian ethos. There was a desperate need for this kind of education in the Midlands, and so after many years and much careful prayer, ECA was opened.

In 1998, Elevate Christian Academy (formerly Estcourt Christian Academy) opened its doors to 20 learners. From humble beginnings, the school now boasts a magnificent campus where children ranging in age from pre-school to grade 12 are nurtured in a safe and loving environment. Glory and honour must be given to our God, for how He has undertaken in His provision and blessing for this work.

The 2019 school year opened with new opportunities as Elevate Christian Academy launched the (NSC) IEB Online School. This elevates ECA to a new level by offering a quality matric exit examination.

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